Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'd Love to Grab Coffee Sometime...

This week we’re hoping to bring home the importance of starting conversations about child sexual exploitation. From the beginning one of our biggest goals as been this: to make people aware of this injustice in our world and create a catalyst for conversation. A couple of weeks ago I was at coffee (go figure) with a mentor of mine from Westmont College, and he shed light on the importance of conversations within a family. His suggestion, specifically, was daughters approaching their fathers. If you are a daughter whose father travels to Thailand, or any foreign country on business… tell him about the sex tourism industry and ask him to advocate and protect the children of these countries. By bringing this issue into our homes, communities, work places and churches, we are bringing this issue into the ears and hands of those who are willing to fight against it, those who could potentially be the demand factor behind it, and those who, like us, will dedicate their time and energy to standing up against this. So I want to encourage you to be intentional: educate yourself on this issue so that you can be a resource to others as you initiate conversations. We’d love to plug you in, give you resources, and continue collaborating with you. Check out our “Learn it” page under “Movement” for resources… let’s get a conversation going.

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