Sunday, December 28, 2008
Drew in Chiang Rai
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
SOLD at the United Nations

Hi Everyone,
My name is Drew Persons and I've been working for The SOLD Project for the past year and a half as their Thai language interpreter/Cultural Consultant/Project Manager.
A couple of months ago, a representative from Rotary International approached us with an invitation to participate in their UN Youth Day, held in New York City at the United Nations building. This annual event was created to inspire high school students to make positive changes in the world by connecting them with proactive organizations (like SOLD) that they can partner with and support.
I flew to New York earlier on this month and made a presentation about SOLD's education scholarship program on November 8th to an audience of 700 people. After I spoke, I was approached by many young people in the metropolitan area, all of whom were interested in joining The SOLD Project.
Overall, the trip was a huge success. Being invited to talk about ANYTHING at the United Nations when your non profit has only been around for a year is pretty incredible.
On a more personal note, the trip was significant for me because my #1 life goal, my loftiest dream, the most unreachable and unlikely honor I could think of, was to speak at the UN. It encapsulates everything that I stand for in terms of foreign diplomacy and effectively making changes. I still can not believe that SOLD made it possible.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
SOLD's First Film Festival!
"The SOLD Project: Cat" is 6th out of 26 shorts as the audience award!
And this is just the beginning...
We also spent time with a couple of really amazing schools, IUPUI and the University of Indianapolis. It was a great sneak peak for the endless creative possibilities for the 2009 tour... spoken word artists, visual artists, and great bands. As you're thinking about how to pull together your own SOLD event in your community, we encourage you to be creative and involve local artists!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Keep Moving...
“If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. But by all means keep moving.” Dr. Martin Luther King
As The SOLD Project continues to move forward in our mission to create awareness about and ignite a response to child prostitution and sex trafficking, we must keep Dr. King’s quote in mind. It is never a full-on sprint, but often baby steps towards our end goals and desires.
Most recently, we are revamping our web-site… it will be new and improved in a few short weeks!
The organization is moving along beautifully… establishing our “Write to Freedom” campaign to keep children in school and out of prostitution, and setting up our Spring Tour!
The film has hired a new Story Producer to complete SOLD: Thailand and tell the stories of these children.
Thank you for being part of this journey as we keep moving…. whether running, walking, or crawling.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Back to Brokenness
I will be broken and I will be inspired. I know no other way…
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Supply and Demand
Human Trafficking is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. It is the second largest criminal industry in the world today, just behind drug smuggling and recently having risen above arms smuggling. The selling of children for sex and is a HUGE business, and just like any other business it is driven by supply and demand. Supply, in the case of child sex trafficking and exploitation, is the vulnerable children. The demand is those who choose to pay for sex with these children. Following the simple rules of supply and demand we know that supply would not exist if there was not a demand for it. Child prostitution and commercial sexual exploitation would not exist if men and women were not traveling around the world to have sex with minors, purchasing child pornography, or supporting businesses that do. Demand creates supply. There are millions upon millions of children in high risk of becoming a victim of the sex trade due to poverty, genocide, war, lack of education, or orphaned… and there is a lot of work to be done to prevent, rescue, and restore these children (I won’t ignore that). However, the demand side of this problem is often overlooked. I have read that 25% of child sex tourists are US citizens. How that stat has been proven, I do not know. I would not be surprised if that percentage wasn’t a lot higher.
So now what? It is my belief that the demand side can only be stopped if WE (as in YOU and ME) begin talking about this issue, making it a household reality, and bringing the humanity back to this issue. These men and women who pay for sex with children do not see these children as human beings, but as objects. They may not even realize the damage that they are doing to a young life. I have met countless children in recovery from working the streets in Thailand and here in the US… there is hope, but it is a long and painful journey for them. My hope is that through our film and through educating others that this issue ends, but if that does not happen hopefully the men and women who are thinking about it will think again.
To understand more about the demand side and what the US government is doing about it, visit the Immigration and Customs Enforcement web-site.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I'd Love to Grab Coffee Sometime...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
SOLD: A Four Letter Word
The facts surrounding the child sex trade horrify most every person I have a conversation with. People are shocked by the rate at which it occurs, the fact that it exists in America, and that adult men & women are actually paying for sex with children. This is one social injustice that leaves no room for debate. Nothing justifies it, and there is no excuse to let it continue.
The SOLD Project is a documentary designed to educate people about the haunting reality of the child sex trade in Southeast Asia & the World, and to give them the tools to halt these atrocities. I founded The SOLD Project after learning about the brutal sexual exploitation of society’s most vulnerable people – children. Through The SOLD Project I have embarked upon a life altering journey that has led me to meet child prostitutes as young as 4 years old, as well as meeting many of the predators who feed off of their innocence. My life permanently changed through these experiences and I have committed my life to searching for a way to make a difference.
We at The SOLD Project have faith that the hope for positive change lives within all people. We can each be a part of restoring innocence and freedom back into the devastated lives of these child victims.
While we do not pretend to have all of the answers - we are on a journey toward finding them and with your involvement we can. Your comments and questions are welcome. Post your ideas. Share your dreams. We are in this together. We need you, but more importantly these children need you.